Post by ΩN e m e s i s on Dec 17, 2010 16:36:06 GMT -5
The winter chill sent small shiver's through the thin she-cat's pelt, as her tail twitched with irritation. Remembering her training, she wore a smile. Keep senses wide open. Scenting the air, she closed her eyes. She smelled snow, and stormie whether. Also, gas and Monsters. she opened her eyes, and jumped up. A Monster growled and Beastpaw hissed, baring her fangs. She soon realized how close she was to the Thunderpath. She looked around, and made her way closer.
She soon found it, and watched two monsters roll by, hiding under a bush. Then, when the Thunderpath was clear, Beastpaw had an idea. Jumping from the bush, she put a paw on the coolness of the Thunderpath. She then stood on the curb, and smiled. I'm not afraid of you! Come out! [/b] She growled. An so a Monster came tumbling out. She jumped back, full of fright, and landed on her back, panting hard. She stood u[, and grumbled.[/size][/blockquote]
Post by hawktalon on Dec 19, 2010 21:17:47 GMT -5
Dewpaw slithered through the grass, pretending to be a snake as she stalked a small, fat grey-brown mouse. The creature sniffed at a dewdrop on the leaves, hidden under the ferns from the sun that normally would have burned it away by now. At least in greenleaf it would have. With the cold air, the morning mist stayed longer than usual. She glanced up and over the tall grass, now receding as she got closer to the thunderpath. The mouse was right there, begging to be caught. She waggled her haunches and sprang up, pinning the mouse under a strong forepaw. She swatted it quickly, and swallowed the urge to take a bite of the tempting meat.
There was less prey for the apprentices, who were catching it and cleaning the elders, fetching water, gathering moss, and every other duty that a mentor could think of. A loud roar echoed through the bushes by the thunderpath, and surprisingly, along with the hot, choking smell of monsters, came a strong fear-scent. Dewpaw buried her catch and ran up to the thunderpath, edging nervously alongside it. She saw a flash of fur, and realized that a cat was here. As she got closer, she recognized the scent of her denmate, Beastpaw. She ran up to the stunned apprentice, scared for her. "Are you okay?" she asked frantically, pawing at her to answer.
Post by Swiftpelt on Dec 19, 2010 21:58:04 GMT -5
"Great..just,great." A tom mumbled, pawing his way through the large forest with his glazed light blue eyes staring blankly ahead. He had no idea where he was going, let alone finding a scent trail that was more then two of his own clan that was leading out of camp. Of course, he was reaching six moons of age and was slowing getting use to the fact that he was blind. But that didn't help the fact that everytime he had got a hang of something, he would trip over himself like a mouse that tripped over a leaf. His gray tabby pelt was clearly visable among the now bare trees and very step he took felt cold to the touch of his paw pads.
Jaykit followed the path that the scents had made, turning here and there with a few stops along the way. Sadly, he was always tripping over t a small twig or a tree stump, which was always followed by the words: "Mouse Dung!". Lucky for the small tabby, he soon heard the sounds of voices not far ahead and flicked his ears foward. He couldn't tell whether it was two or not, but it was clear that one of them were worried over something. Shaking his head of the few leaves that clung to his head, he padded foward until he the scents grew stronger.
"Hello? Anyone here?" Jaykit meowed, even though he knew someone was there.
Post by ΩN e m e s i s on Dec 19, 2010 23:02:48 GMT -5
Beastpaw sighed, and soon found herself face to face with Dewpaw, a den mate. She prodded Beastpaw s side with an eager paw, and Beastpaw flinched. Are you okay? Dewpaw asked. Beastpaw jumped up and shook herself. Ya, I'm fine. I could have took that Monster if it didn't cheat! Beastpaw meowed loudly and proudly. She grumbled, and shook herself once more, before sitting on her bum. Her ears twitched, as did her tail.
Soon a small kit came stumbling in. She recognized it to be Jaykit, from around the clan. Suddenly realization hit her, and she remembered him to be a blind tabby. Hey! Stop, Jaykit! [/color] she meowed frantically. Jumping up, she looked to Dewpaw to follow her. When she got to Jaykit, she sighed with relief. Are you okay?[/color] Beastpaw asked.[/blockquote][/size]
Post by Swiftpelt on Dec 20, 2010 18:15:08 GMT -5
Jaykit soon heard more voices and with a call from one of them, stopped in his tracks. His ears moved slightly from hearing the sudden shout and turned his head to where the voice came from with a flick of his tail. The scent was clearly new to him, but the voice struck some sense into him and grumbled as the voice asked if he was alright. Shifting his body abit, he nodded before flicking his left ear back.
"Yes, I'm fine. Beastpaw is it?" Jaykit spoke, his voice slightly gaining the more smoother tone and tilted his head as another scent reached his nose. It was clear that even though his eyes showed no emotion, his tail twitched slighty as he hear something roar not far away and frowned. "And why are you two out here?" The gray tabby added, turning his head toward the other scent and huffed. And who is the other one? Jaykit asked himself, still looking through the darkness that was now his world.
Post by ΩN e m e s i s on Dec 21, 2010 23:53:30 GMT -5
Beastpaw looked at the kit, making sure he was okay. When he said he was fine, I sighed and smiled slightly. Yes, Beastpaw! Who else can smell this pretty, eh? [/color] Beastpaw snickered. She turned her head to the other side, and nodded for the other two to come over.[/blockquote][/size] WELL THIS FAILS ><
Post by Swiftpelt on Dec 22, 2010 15:57:27 GMT -5
Jaykit flicked his tail, somewhat annoyied at Beastpaw's words and blicked his glazed eyes. He could have said that she wasn't the prettiest smelling she-cat that walked among his clan, even though really he himself feels like an outcast. It was just that, jokes that involved smell, hearing or sight was really one of the few things that got on his nerves. Most of the kits in the Nursey made fun of him, saying that he can't fight and using the term, "Blind mouse". What did they know anyway, he was all alone in a world of darkness and no one could match his pain.
And he still has to live with it.
Letting out another huff, Jaykit slowly padded foward two steps to take in the scents more clearly. It seemed that Beastpaw had been hanging around some path, because her scent had a slight hint of a foul oder on her. Other sound crossed his ears, a roaring noise that rose higher as it got closer and made the gray tabby reverse a few steps. Sounds had become much more sentsive in his ears and as the sound died down, turned his head to Beastpaw's scent with a lash of his tail.
"I will ask again. Why are you two out here, Instead of back at camp?" Jaykit meowed, the sound of roaring still rung in his ears abit.